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Free Mobile App Available (Contains Ads)

The new app for iOS and Android is ready. Click the button below to take a test drive.
This is just a preview. Feeds will open inside the window. Links will not.


Download the free app: Android App | iPhone App

Android Installation: Make sure that the “Unknown sources” box is checked to allow installation of non-Market applications; or if prompted, tell Settings that you want to just this once. After the app is installed, you can delete the .apk file to save space. You're good-to-go. You don't need it anymore.

iPhone Installation: Click the Launch button which will open a dialog box. Tap "install." If you get an “Untrusted App Developer” message, you will need to follow the next steps:
  1. Go to: Settings -> General -> Profiles
  2. Under ENTERPRISE APP, choose "Onsinteractive Solution Pvt Ltd."
  3. Tap Trust "Onsinteractive Solution Pvt Ltd."
  4. Tap "Trust" in the pop-up.
  5. Now, try running your the app again, and it should work.
If you have questions or need help: Please email our Angel Nerd, Lady TheoloGOP, at


Take the fast lane here. Use our new short URL: PROLEFTPOD.COM

The Swag Has Landed:

Check out our MERCH COLLECTIONS on zazzle (new products and designs being added).